YOU are W.T.F. (Worth the Fight)

The teacher in me wants to see everyone succeed. The teacher in me also knows that you cannot expect success if you are not given the tools and mean to reach your goals. So how can we expect to be so hard on ourselves if we are not given the right tools and/or environment to succeed? 

Like I do with all my professional development trainings, I tell my teachers, it starts from within. Teenagers don’t do things because they want to- heck most people don’t. They do things because they see YOU do it, they see that YOU believe it.

So, what if we start to believe in ourselves? What if we believe in ourselves so much that others start to believe in you? 

My goal for YOU is simple: to remind YOURSELF that YOU are worth the fight. When I started my journey, my goal was to get “back” into “fighting shape” without the intense training. What that really meant though, was to get my mind, body and soul to be in harmony . Sure losing weight was part of it but it’s more than that-it’s feeling good in my own skin and being confident working out again. It’s about putting yourself in uncomfortable positions so that things become comfortable. Changing how you feel about yourself and feeling more confident about YOU because YOU ARE WORTH EVERY DAMN FIGHT. 


3 pillars you will receive by joining my team


Dream it.

It all begins with an idea. Dream big- what is your ideal fitness routine? how do you want to feel after your workouts? I will help put together a personalized fitness plan for you - you will receive access to a full year’s worth of BeachBody on demand subscription. Whatever it is you enjoy, we will find something for YOU.

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Build it.

They didn’t lie: results start being built in the kitchen. What you eat matters. I’m the girl eating pizza and enjoying a glass of wine over here BUT i’ve learned how to nourish and fuel my body properly. You will have access to protein powders, energizing (natural) supplements to help you get through your workout- I will also be sharing recipes of how to.


Grow it.

This is the fun part. You worked out hard, you ate well and now you get to build your tribe around it. You will receive support for me, my crew, complete strangers in our “fight club” where we will engage with one another to empower each other to achieve our individual goals. Because, what’s the fun in seeing success alone?